Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Unity in the body

 Dear MMS,
    Your picture in the April Ground Crew newsletter illustrated the complexity of your work.
    You have that stabilizer torn down to its basic frame.
    The picture and caption also brought to mind our extended discussion on the Cessna 206/207. 
    The critical nature of your work which is, for most people, unseen service illustrates the complexity of how God works in our world.
    First, much of the critical spiritual work we do on our own lives is unseen by almost everyone but God.
    Second, the interrelatedness of our service for the Lord, where each one has a part & God brings them all together, is amazing. 
    Your unseen work will enable this plane to fly.  This will allow supplies and people to travel where they could not otherwise go.
    This will allow face to face interaction and ministry which could not have taken place in any other way.
    Peoples' lives will be changed through this interaction and ministry.  And they will change others.
    Only God can coordinate all of this.

This is an email that one of our staff has received from a pastor who supports our ministry here at MMS.
The body of Christ is to have unity if we are to accomplish the work that has been set out for us to do.
In the same way the body of an airplane must also work together for it to perform well in the air. From the struts to the stabilizers to the skins and rivets they all play a vital role in the strength and flexibility of the body so that under pressure and stresses they hold up well to perform their tasks that they have been given.

 Every mission aircraft at every location around the world is unique in the environment that it is to operate in. The pictures of the airplane below are from the MAF or Mission Aviation Fellowship Cessna 206 going to Suriname and coming from Indonesia. This particular airplane was used in 2004 to distribute supplies after the Tsunami had devastated much of that area. For more on Mission Aviation Fellowship and their ministry you can go to Mission Aviation Fellowship to explore this wonderful ministry that we serve. Below is a glimpse at some of the body of the 206 being worked on.

Chuck is having a riveting experience with the right wing
Some of the wing skin needed to be replaced

Phil is inspecting a stabilizer part before installation to the fuselage

Preparations are  being made for the fuel bladder installation

Final prep work of the fuselage before it is painted

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The leading edge

You are probably wondering why this posting is titled "the leading edge." An airplane has a leading edge on it's wings and how it is shaped will determine the airflow it receives to create lift which keeps the airplane in the air. There are some leading edges that are designed to produce more lift at lower speeds so planes can use shorter runways. Other leading edge shapes are designed for speed and aerobatics. Airplane designers need to understand these principals to determine the proper leading edges for the work the plane is going to perform.

A missionary organization needs proper leading as well. Just like different wing leading edges, a missionary organization's leader needs many different "edges" for the organization to run smoothly. MMS is no different. Our leader Dwight Jarboe is President and CEO of MMS Aviation. Dwight has been in missionary service 42 years filling many roles. As you see from the pictures below, he does not just sit in a large chair in a corner office but is engaged in many different tasks as he leads our organization.

Even though he's been known to play the trumpet, Dwight isn't one to "toot his own horn". He likes to showcase accomplishments of his coworkers while he stays more in the background. We are blessed to have this type of leadership and his "leading edge".

Dwight working hard at his President/ CEO duties

" Hmmm, I know that cable is in there some where "

" Well Jake, I hope you were listening the last 2-1/2 yrs. as I administer your practical exam for your A&P "

" Mornin' Phil, how's the family "

" I enjoy giving tours and talking about MMS. "

" Yep, the necessary paperwork is here for the annual inspection. "

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mercy is upon us

 Wednesday morning was filled with excitement as the distant thump of the rotors drew closer. As our eyes were drawn to the North East open sky the thumping dot grew larger and larger until the swirling wind and dust settled and the rotors worked their way to a stop next to hangar A. Out stepped two gentlemen from Mercy Air with smiles on their faces. Matthias Reuter and Michael Aebi were greeted with out stretched arms and a firm hand shake. As excited as they both are, we at MMS are that much more excited as this is a first time opportunity to share our hangar with MercyAir. They will be using our hangar to work on their newly acquired AS-350B2 helicopter which Matthias flew here from Pittsburgh. MercyAir will be using our facility to reconfigure the helicopter from a medical use to a utility used helicopter.

MercyAir was established in 1991 and they are an independent Christian humanitarian aid aviation service. Their goal is to provide lasting aid to victims of natural and human disasters in the South African region in a swift and non-bureaucratic manner. It is our desire here at MMS to use what God has given us in a way that honors Him. If you would like more information about this wonderful organization you can go to for their helicopter program and to take you to  their general site. Below is a picture of their new helicopter and following are pictures of what they do.
Matthias and Michael with the new helicopter ready to be reconfigured

Friday, August 1, 2014

Some things in life are concrete

 Our facilities manager Dave Shelly has been working very hard to set up a time to get some much needed concrete repair work done. This project is two fold, the first part of the project requires the removal and replacement of some broken concrete pads between the hangars and the second part of the project is the addition of a concrete pad for the PT6 training station that we acquired earlier this year. The PT6 training station needs to be deeply rooted as the PT6 turbine generates 750 HP. The concrete crew that is doing this work for MMS has been working together as a team for quite a while. This was evident in the seamless effort they put into it. As one crew member was breaking up the concrete another crew member was loading the truck with the broken pieces and as he drove away another crew member followed up and formed up the open spaces readying the area. The unity of a team is evidence of a deep understanding  of each individual involved. I have the privilege of watching each member of our team work together in "preparing people and airplanes for world wide mission service". Here at MMS we are always striving to have a deeper understanding of each other so that we may work in a manner that may bring glory to God and that we may be a reflection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Breaking ground by hangar C

Loading up broken concrete by hangar C

Removing and leveling dirt for the run up pad by hangar B

Breaking ground in front of hangar A

Removal of the excess dirt and concrete for the run up pad

Pouring the run up pad

Finishing the run up pad for the PT6(notice the deep anchors in place)

Finishing the prep work in front of hangar A

Let the pouring begin

We are half way there

Finally almost finished

Ahhh the finishing touches and then we are done