Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cessnas Everywhere

All three of our hangars are loaded with Cessnas right now.

In Hangar A we have three Cessnas being worked on--two Cessna 172's and a 182.

Three Cessnas in Hangar A

Ben and Mark inspect the 182's air box.

In Hangar B the amphibious Brazilian 206 waits for its return-to-service flights while the Cessna 402 waits on parts and funding.

The Cessna 402 and 206 in Hangar B

In Hangar C, MMS grad and Missionary Aviation Group member, Paul Jones continues to work on their Cessna 206 for Guatemala. He's currently installing the cargo pod on the belly of the aircraft.

MAG's 206 with cargo pod.

Also in Hangar C, the Gabon Gabon 207's static system is being tested while structural repairs continue.

Dale tests the 207's static system as Phil assists inside the fuselage.

Chuck drills-out rivets to facilitate the removal and replacement of the 207's rear, wing spar carry-through which was cracked in four places.

Thanks for your gifts and prayers that make it possible for us to serve so many different ministries, in so many different ways, for the same purpose: to speed and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard.


Unknown said...

Keep us up to date! I enjoy seeing the progress. God bless!
- future mechanic?...

Old Codger said...

Elliott, Thanks for your comment and your interest in mission aviation.