Friday, November 20, 2015

Giving Thanks

Here in Coshocton, Ohio November means in-climate weather. We can see snow and ice and frigid temps. This weather can affect the work we do here working on airplanes. Some projects may be hindered for a time due to the unpredictable weather.

This year has been an exception to the norm. We have had mild weather through out the fall. Temps may drop for a few days but it climbs back up into above normal temps for days on end.

What a blessing to have these soaring temps reaching 70 degrees at times and hovering in the 60 degree range for days on end. This has been such a huge blessing with the work load we have right now.

One of our biggest needs has been paint removal. These warmer temps allow for opening the hangar doors and working on projects out doors as well as being able to effectively remove paint with the pressure washer with out freeze ups and drying can occur more rapidly with hovering temps.

So we are praising God for the weather He has allowed us to have here in Ohio. Here are some pictures that show some of the work we have been able to accomplish.

Chuck is pressure washing several smaller components for the Missionary Air Group (MAG) Cessna 172

Apprentice David DeJong is pressure washing the MAG 172 fuselage

The crew was able to give the Gospel Carrier International (GCI) King Air 200 a turbine engine compressor wash to enhance its performance.

Working in hangar B with its doors open a nice treat this time of year.

Hangar C is doing paint removal. It is great to have the doors open when removing paint.