Friday, June 25, 2010

Cessna 402 Spar Cap Project: Part 3

Mark's been working on the right side engine nacelle in preparation for installing the spar cap modification on the Cessna 402. Here he begins fabrication of two new "skins" using the old skins as patterns.

If you'd prefer to view the video on Vimeo, please click here.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cessna 402 Spar Cap Inspection: Part 2

Actually the spar cap inspection is completed. The spar passed the inspection and now the guys are working to prepare the 402's airframe for installation the FAA-mandated spar cap modification. Here's a short clip of Mike removing some aluminum skin from the left engine nacelle as part of the overall inspection/repair/modification process.

Cessna 402 Spar Inspection Part: 2 from Keith Dodson on Vimeo.

If you have trouble viewing Vimeo, click here to watch the video on YouTube.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Video: Cessna 337 Landing Gear System Overhaul and Test

MMS Aviation provides hands-on aviation maintenance experience to the next generation of missionary airplane mechanics while returning missionary airplanes to service. This clip features just one of the many stories currently going on in our hangar as God prepares His servants, and his tools, for the Harvest Field.

Cessna 337 Landing Gear System Overhaul and Test from Keith Dodson on Vimeo.

If you have trouble viewing Vimeo, you can watch the clip on YouTube by clicking HERE.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Quick Turnaround for GCI's King Air 200

Williams Chang flew in to have some quick repairs made to his King Air. Within a matter of minutes of landing, our guys corrected the issue, and had him back in the air. Lord willing he'll be able to weave his way through the storms between here and Maryland and arrive safely at home.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cessna 172 & Cessna 337

The Cessna 172 annual inspection and repair project is nearing completion as it needs to be flying by the end of next week.

Andy repairs engine baffling.

Ian cuts interior components.

Mark makes repairs inside the Cessna 172.

The Cessna 337 project continues to move along with Paul G. working on the retractable landing gear system.

Paul is learning a lot about hydraulics.

The Cessna 337.