Monday, November 1, 2010

Test Flight of LAMP's Cessna 337

Here's the video of Friday's test flight of LAMP's Cessna 337. The test flight went very well and, as test flights are supposed to do, revealed some minor adjustments which needed to be made before the airplane could return to mission service.

The guys worked late into Saturday evening eliminating the "squawks" enabling the aircraft to return to missionary service Sunday morning. This airplane will soon be back in northern Canada expanding God's Kingdom across four provinces.


Steve Dreher said...

Keith, Great video of LAMP's 337 test flight. You guys at MMS are totally awesome. Thank you again for all of the work that was put into 337LC so we at LAMP can continue to safely proclaim the message of Jesus to the people living in the isolated communities of northern Canada. May God continue to bless your ministry. Thanks again. Steve Dreher, Missionary Pilot, LAMP

Old Codger said...

Thanks, Steve. It's a blessing to have had the opportunity to partner with you guys in the project. Our hangar is your hangar.

Giving God the Glory!