Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring Aircraft Projects

Here's a video overview of the projects currently in our hangar!


John M. White a/k/a JetAviator7 said...

Great video! Glad to see some general aviation activity as I worry some that general aviation may be suffering a slow death.

Here in Michigan it is hard to find much small airplane flying.

Old Codger said...

Randolph, glad you enjoyed the video. Be sure to stop in for a visit if you're ever down this way!

Matt said...

This video is awesome! I think it is so awesome that we have people over her working on these airplanes to support spreading the truth of Jesus Christ! It inspires me so much. I am only 17 years old but i have a drive and passion to fly planes over sees as a missionary. Keep up the awesome work!!!! God bless!

Admin said...

Hey Matt,

Thanks for your encouraging words. Shoot me an email and I'll be glad to answer any questions you have about becoming a missionary aviator.


Keith Dodson