Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now That The 182 Is Done...

With so much of the last few blogs focused on the wrap-up and departure of the Moody Aviation 182 restoration project, I thought it might be time to review some of the other aircraft projects currently underway.

Engine Overhaul for CMML in Zambia, Africa
As I type this, the "hhmmmm" sound of a high-performance aircraft engine running at high rpm travels from the test cell, across Hangar A, and into my office cubicle. It's not loud in my office, but there's no mistaking there is a lot of power under control not all that far away. It's smooth, it's sweet, and it's proof that this engine is only a matter of minutes away from being crated up and shipped to Zambia, Africa where local mechanics will install it on the firewall of a Cessna 207.

Josh oversaw the tear-down and build-up of the engine. He's the one at the controls in the test cell, logging engine performance, measuring oil consumption, and tweaking engine settings. Ah, the rpms just dropped. They're cooling the engine before shutting it down. It's a wonderful sound, an engine, overhauled, and running like it was built to run.

Josh, Dennis, and Tim observe the engine run.

Cessna 337 for Ministry in Canada
The 337 is in for both engines to be overhauled and for the airframe to be inspected. This is another major project. Both engines have been disassembled, specific parts sent for inspection, and parts are being ordered to begin the build-up of the front engine. Scott and Chuck are working together on this project: Scott on the engines and Chuck on the airframe. All eight fuel tanks have been removed and the de-ice boots are being replaced. You can tell from the picture there's a lot to do before this airplane begins to come back together.
LAMP's Cessna 337 project

Honduran 206
This project is nearing completion. The goal is to have it back in Honduras before the end of the year. The interior is being prepared for installation and electrical and rigging work continues. There's still a bit of work to do on the instrument panel itself. Tim and Paul are teamed up to get this airplane back into the sky.

Honduran 206

Other Projects
There's another major restoration project getting ready to ramp back up and that's the Cessna 206 for ministry in Brazil. Two airplanes are in for annual inspection: a local Comanche and a second Cessna 172 used by Gospel Carrier International.

Thanks for your interest in these projects and the men doing the work. It's a privilege to serve in such a strategic way.

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