Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hangar Construction, New Door and King Air Repair

Hangar Construction
The hangar construction project has moved into a new phase. With the door installation complete, with the final trim pieces being installed around the hangar roof edges, our contractor brought in his demo specialist to remove the steel tracking for the old segmented, rolling doors and to improve the ramp conditions leading into Hangar A.

The current concrete transition between ramp and hangar is short and steep and creates a challenge to overcome when moving aircraft into the hangar. It will be much easier to position aircraft with the door tracks gone and the slope into the hangar extended in length and reduced in degree.

Here's the Bobcat with jack hammer at work on the old steel door tracking.

Close up of the jack hammer

Here's the new hangar door opened up!

Gospel Carrier King Air Repair
The Gospel Carrier International King Air arrived today for an unscheduled repair. They'd experienced environmental control issues with the airplane's air-conditioning system while on their current cross-country evangelical crusade (Arkansas, Texas, California, Utah, and Illinois are five of the states they've visited so far) arriving here in Coshocton, Ohio this morning.

Tim and Mark immediately started the troubleshooting process, quickly isolated the issue, and repaired the problem enabling GCI to return to the tour, keep their scheduled meetings, and complete their trip with increased cabin comfort. It's a blessing to be able to serve this ministry through providing critically needed short-term and long range maintenance services free of labor charges. Thank you for your gifts and prayers which make this possible.

Tim troubleshoots the problem while Mark operates switches and knobs in the cockpit.

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