Tim spent the past two weeks performing the annual inspection on Gospel Carrier International's Cessna 310. Assisted by Gary, one of our regular MMS volunteers, the annual inspection went smoothly and quickly and was completed Friday afternoon. It's always encouraging to have a missionary aircraft fly in for maintenance and to return it to service in rapid fashion.
We're blessed to have Gary's mechanical assistance for several weeks in the spring of each year. Gary is a certificated A&P. Gary and his wife, Arlene, are retired and spend their time traveling between mission aviation agencies such as JAARS in North Carolina; MFI and Harvest Aviation in Florida, and MMS where they lend a hand as needed and as able.
Willams Chang, GCI's President and pilot arrived this afternoon to fly the 310 back to their base in Maryland.
As Dave tugged the 310 out of Hangar A the weather was typical of spring in Ohio: bright sun, blue sky, a cool breeze, and puffy white clouds. By the time Williams had taxied to the runway and started his take-off roll, it was still typical of spring in Ohio: dark, overcast, cold and windy, and pouring rain.
Two minutes after Williams had raised his landing gear and climbed eastward, it's again bright sun, blue sky, with a cool breeze and puffy white clouds. As the locals like to say, "If you don't like the weather in Ohio, wait five minutes."
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