MAF 206 CompletedThe MAF 206 project is officially finished with the closing and locking of the shipping container's doors!
What Now?With that project completed Dale, Paul, David, and Gertjan will receive new team and project assignments which could include:
1) assisting with the work on the Honduran 206. The wings are nearly completed, the floor panels are in, the vertical stabilizer is coming together, and paint is being removed from airframe components and control surfaces,
The nearly completed wings
Ian rivets the vertical stabilizer.
Airframe components with paint remover applied.2) shifting over the the restoration of the Moody 182,
3) or whatever else Tim might dream up as Production Manager.
With several more projects waiting in line: an engine overhaul, a double engine overhaul and annual inspection, and another full restoration of a Cessna 206, there's plenty to keep the guys busy in the hangar. Thanks for praying.